I just tagged and pushed another Release Candidate of 1.2.0 to the master branch on Github, 1.2.0-RC3.

What is this, didn't you say something of wanting to release 1.2.0 proper this week?

You might be thinking that right now. And yes, I did, but I also said "depending on the feedback I'll get". A couple of issues were discovered by the community in RC2 and since the fixes were a bit more complex I decided on giving it another RC instead of directly going for the stable release. The reasoning being that if the fixes of the issues in RC2 introduced problems elsewhere, there is now a chance those will be discovered before that stuff becomes stable.

So, another RC round, with the hope of releasing 1.2.0 proper around the middle of next week (again - depending on the feedback I get, really keeping my fingers crossed that all the major kinks in the more exotic configurations are now ironed out though).

Thank you to everyone who reported back on their experiences with RC1 and RC2, you rock and help making the 1.2.0 release a hopefully solid one!

The Changelog can be found here: https://github.com/foosel/OctoPrint/releases/tag/1.2.0-rc3

Commits are here: https://github.com/foosel/OctoPrint/compare/1.2.0-rc2...1.2.0-rc3

Update instructions are in the FAQ: https://github.com/foosel/OctoPrint/wiki/FAQ#how-can-i-update-the-octoprint-installation-on-my-octopi-image

Please report back. Keep in mind though that naturally there is currently a feature freeze. So if you have suggestions on how to make the new functionality even better, that is heartily welcome, but won't make it's way into 1.2.0 anymore.