I thought long and hard whether to release yet another RC after all or not, but considering a bug I discovered with the settings caching I decided it would probably be better after all.

The result is 1.3.0rc3, which besides a fix for that settings caching issue also contains a bunch of other fixes and also the improvement of a piece of documentation and a doctest. Overall, the changes are very small, but the caching issue made me nervous enough to leave in to push out another RC. You can find the full changelog and release notes as usual on Github.

If you are tracking the “Devel RC” release channel, you should soon get an update notification just like you are used to from stable releases. If you are coming from 1.3.0rc1, you might run into an update error that actually isn’t one, please see the “Note for Upgraders coming from 1.3.0rc1” in the release notes for 1.3.0rc2 for more details on this.

If you are tracking the “Maintenance RC” release channel, you will not get an update notification for this release candidate. If you want to give it a test whirl, you’ll need to switch to the “Devel RC” release channel.

If you are not interested in helping to test devel release candidates, just ignore this post, 1.3.0 stable will hit your instance via the usual way once it’s ready :)

Depending on the feedback regarding this version I’ll either look into releasing 1.3.0 stable within the next week, or fixing any bugs and regressions in a follow-up RC. In the latter case though we’ll not see 1.3.0 before the holidays, in order to minimize the risk of any issues for people with new printers. Let’s hope it won’t come to that though, I really want to get 1.3.0 out ASAP :)
