Topics in this episode of OctoPrint On Air, which was recorded on May 19th:

  • 1.8.0rc4, rc5 and stable
  • PyConDE
  • A long talk about my looming burnout and how to get OctoPrint back into a sustainable state again
  • A quick look at the usage stats
  • Q&A, touching on future what I’d change in OctoPrint if I had unlimited time and resources, and a public appearance of two plushies from my collection

Chapters with jump marks available in the YouTube description.

You can find all public past episodes in the OctoPrint On Air Playlist.

OctoPrint On Air is a roughly monthly devlog done by me (Gina Häußge). I report what's been going on in the background, what happened, what the current challenges are and what the near future holds, plus talk about whatever else might be interesting in the world of OctoPrint. Patrons on the Patreon campaign and GitHub Sponsors pledging at the $5 perk or above get early access to it and are also invited to regular live Q&A sessions.
