Announcement: OctoPrint On Air #50 LIVE
The holidays draw near 🎄, and so as every year does OctoPrint’s birthday 🎂 (December 25th). And since this year will be the 10th birthday, it’s time to celebrate, and what better way to do this than with a very special OctoPrint On Air which - honestly by sheer coincidence - also happens to be the 50th episode! So please join me next Monday at 17:00 CET on YouTube for a look at the past 10 years of OctoPrint, some celebration and of course also a chance for some Q&A!
Considering the occasion, I’ll make this livestream open to everyone, and I hope many of you will celebrate with me.
You may convert the date and time to your own timezone here, or just set a reminder on the YouTube event page to get a notification when I go live.
If you have any burning questions about OctoPrint, working on it or whatever else you’ve always wanted to ask me (note that I’ll take the liberty to deny answering things I don’t want to answer 😉), there’ll be a live chat during the event that I’ll keep an eye on and where you’ll be able to ask away.
If you are curious about the format, you can find all public past episodes in the OctoPrint On Air Playlist.
OctoPrint On Air is a roughly monthly live broadcast done by me (Gina Häußge) for all Patrons on the Patreon campaign or GitHub Sponsors pledging at the $5 perk or above. Attendees can ask questions which will be answered on air and I also report what's been going on in the background, what happened, what the current challenges are and what the near future holds, plus talk about whatever else might be interesting in the world of OctoPrint.

- Published
- 05 Dec 2022
- Category
- OctoPrint On Air