
New release: 1.2.12

A fresh release with lots of bug fixes (especially some for some quite annoying issues) and improvements. A true maintenance release for once ;)


New release: 1.2.11

This shiny new release contains two new pieces of functionality on top of the usual fixes of bugs and little annoyances, the “About” dialog and the Announcement Plugin.


New OctoPi Release: 0.13.0

Guy Sheffer just released a new version of OctoPi, version 0.13.0.

The long awaited release brings not only Raspberry Pi 3 (and Zero) support out of the box by being based on Raspbian Jessie, but also utilizes the new lite image as base for the build, meaning the download size could be halfed.

Important Announcement

I need your support

If you love OctoPrint and want to see its development continue at the pace of the past two years, please read on about its current funding situation and how you can help.

New release: 1.2.10

This should have been released way faster after 1.2.9, since it fixes two bugs introduced by this release, but a nasty flu that's making the rounds in Germany got in the way of this. While this time we have mostly fixes of bugs and little annoyances, at least a hand full of minor improvements also made it into this release:

New release: 1.2.9

The first release of 2016 brings you a whole basket full of fixes of bugs and little annoyances and of course also a couple of improvements of existing functionality, for example:

New release: 1.2.8

The most important thing right at the beginning: If you are currently running version 1.2.7 you'll need to install the "Updatefix 1.2.7" plugin from the plugin repository before you can update your OctoPrint installation.
Important Announcement

Bug in 1.2.7 prevents updates

If you are currently running version 1.2.7 you’ll need to install the “Updatefix 1.2.7” plugin from the plugin repository before you can update your OctoPrint installation.

Version 1.2.7 sadly contains a bug that breaks updating OctoPrint. When attempting to update, you’ll simply get presented with an “update successful” message, but nothing was actually updated. Version 1.2.8 contains a fix, but naturally we have a hen-egg-problem here. To allow you updating to 1.2.8, a plugin was made available that basically backports the needed fix to 1.2.7 by monkey patching your existing installation during runtime: “Updatefix 1.2.7”. It can be found in the plugin repository and can be installed directly through your plugin manager - just refresh the plugin list from the repository (via the little wrench icon in the plugin manager install dialog) if it doesn’t show up immediately when you search for “update”.

The section “A bug in 1.2.7 prevents directly updating to 1.2.8, here’s what to do” in the release notes explains everything and also offers you a work around if you can’t or don’t want to install the plugin. The FAQ has been updated as well.

Community Spotlight

Community Spotlight: TouchUI Plugin

A lot of people have complained about OctoPrint's default web interface not being optimized for mobile or small screen devices, and rightly so. One of the reasons why I created the plugin interface for OctoPrint 1.2.0 was that I hoped that it would enable people to get creative and solve such pain points themselves, and it's great to see developers like Paul de Vries aka "Billy Blaze" stepping up to that challenge.