by Gina Häußge · 12 Jun 2015
Since there were some minor issues reported with the RC1 (concerning backwards compatibility to older versions of setuptools and pip that are still present on a large number of systems out there) I fixed those and just tagged RC2.
by Gina Häußge · 10 Jun 2015
I just tagged and pushed 1.2.0-rc1 to the master branch. This is the first release candidate of the 1.2.0 release that's been in the works for the last couple of months.
by Gina Häußge · 21 May 2015
My initial plan was to put out a Release Candidate for 1.2.0 in May. I might still be able to, but sadly a real life bug has forced me to keep my feet still for this week, so I'm not sure.
Community Spotlight
by Gina Häußge · 28 Apr 2015
It's not a secret that OctoPrint so far lacked support for Makerbot printers and their clones (e.g. Flashforge) and that I wasn't going to do anything about that due to various reasons (the most prominent one being no access to a machine to test with, but admittedly also some other reservations). With the arrival of the plugin system in OctoPrint's development branch
+Mark Walker took it upon himself to change that and with "GPX" [1] developed a plugin around the "gpx" tool, which converts GCODE to the x3g format used by these printers. Mark has the plugin do this on the fly, basically having it act as a translation layer between OctoPrint itself and the serial port connected to the printer and thus allowing FlashForge and Makerbot printers up until Gen5 (read: Replicator 2 being the last one) to work together with OctoPrint.
by Gina Häußge · 23 Mar 2015
While I'm currently fully focused on getting 1.2.0 (aka the devel branch) release ready and out of the door as soon as possible, I nevertheless just pushed a new release of the master branch.
by Gina Häußge · 27 Oct 2014
Since releasing 1.1.0 back in early September there have been a couple of small fixes and improvements on the master branch that I've decided to roll into a new official (very minor) release.
by Gina Häußge · 03 Sep 2014
Just pushed and tagged on master :) I'd normally now write a looooong wall of text here about what's in there, but that's what the shiny new CHANGELOG is for in the future, so read it up here: