OctoPrint has a large and active community, and there are many ways to get help if you need it. Here are the official support channels:

Community Forum: community.octoprint.org

The best place to get help with OctoPrint is the Community Forum. It's a friendly and welcoming place where you can ask questions, get help, and share your experiences.

The forum also has a wealth of information in the form of guides, tutorials, and the official FAQ, all discoverable by the built-in search. It's a great place to start if you're new to OctoPrint or 3D printing in general.

Discord: discord.octoprint.org

If you prefer real-time chat, you can join the official Discord server. It's a great place to get help quickly, chat with other users, and get to know the OctoPrint community.

It's also where the maintainer of OctoPrint, Gina Häußge, hangs out, as do most of the core members of the community that develop plugins and help keep things running, so you might even get to chat with them directly!

Those are the only official support channels. OctoPrint does not provide official support on the various social media platforms such as Facebook, Reddit, Twitter/X, etc. If you see OctoPrint support being offered on any other platform but the two options listed above, it is not official!

Please also be advised that we can not provide free support via email or any other private channel. With a project of this size, this simply does not scale. If you require individual 1:1 support, feel free to get in touch about paid consulting options: consulting@octoprint.org. Be advised though that the available time for individual consulting is limited.